UNIP Warehouse adalah sebuah home creative industri yang memproduksi macam-macam handmade. Kamu bisa pilih item di katalog kami, jadi kamu bisa langsung milih produk mana yang kamu suka. Untuk kamu yang ingin tampil beda dengan pesanan kamu sendiri, kamu bisa memesan dengan mengklik di sini. more about us...

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

We are now Tweeting

Thanks God, now UNIP Warehouse also available at Twitter. Twitter is faster to spread the word and also has million members. It means, twitter also good to sky rocket profits because we can reach many new customers that already on Twitter. 

But this is not only one reason. The main reason why we open at Twitter is we not only want to promote, promote and pormote about our product but also want to share and communicate with our costumers, ask how's the life, tell about what we have done today and laugh together in the world. So we can be friend :)

If you guys interested to follow us, just please go to the link bellow:

Soon, we would accept and follow you back so we can always share everything we talk.
Happy Tweeting :)

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

We are available on Facebook


 We know that nowadays the largest social network site is Faccbook. We can socialize, share, chat, whatever. Lot of thing can organized and shared easily with your friends through it. Also, it's very  profitable for those who want their business growing fast and get new customers.

So, with that reason, UNIP Warehouse proudly announcing that we already available on Facebook Fanpage. If you guys have a Facebook account then just go to our Fanpage, let's be friend, share everything and get to know what is up in UNIP Warehouse.

You can directly go to our fancy original Fanpage at:
Let's get connected :)

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011


UNIP Catalog


Untuk memperingati Earth Day baru-baru ini, kita bikin tema Go Green dan yang satu ini punya title EARTH WAR. Maksudnya pola hidup modern yang semakin menguras energi belakangan ini bakalan mengancam kelestarian ekosistem THE MOTHER EARTH. Maka peperangan pun terjadi antara NATURE VS URBAN untuk menjadikan Bumi kita kembali asri. Yaaa... tar kapan-kapan kita jadiin film deh. hihihi ;) So, WHICH SIDE ARE YOU?

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Bagi-Bagi Wallpaper


Untuk first launch, kita ngasi kamu wallpaper UNIP Warehouse nih. Ada dua pilihan, DARK sama LITE
Pilih aja sesuka kamu, dijamin nggak bayar. Hehe

UNIP Wallpaper

UNIP Wallpaper

Senin, 25 April 2011


UNIP warehouse itu sebuah home industri yang memproduksi macam-macam handmade. Kita punya katalog kok, jadi kamu bisa langsung milih produk mana yang kamu suka tanpa harus nunggu lama. Tapi buat kamu yang ngga mau MAHO dan bisa tampil semau kamu, langsung aja pesen di sini.
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